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Nicotine 101: Get to know this widely-consumed compound

By Jacob 8 months ago No comments
Nicotine 101: Get to know this widely-consumed compound

Nicotine is an addictive compound that is used all over the world, including in the UK and Europe. This substance is legalised and consumed in several ways through different products. If you have noticed this and are wondering what it is and what it does, you’re in the right place. Below all of this is covered, and more. To see the effects of nicotine and where it comes from, read below.

What is nicotine?

According to Drug Science nicotine is a highly addictive chemical compound. It is found naturally in tobacco plants and serves as a natural insecticide. It belongs to a family of compounds called alkaloids, naturally occurring organic substances that contain nitrogen. Other alkaloids include other drugs, like morphine. Even though nicotine is a natural compound, today, we can synthetically produce this substance too.

From the tobacco plant to the tobacco-free nicotine pouch

As touched upon previously, nicotine is found naturally in tobacco. It may be a surprise, but nicotine naturally occurs in many plants, such as tomatoes and potatoes. How do tobacco-free nicotine pouches contain nicotine if they don’t have any tobacco in them? The answer is detailed below:

  • Extracted from tobacco leaves - left with plant residue and can have a bitter taste
  • Synthetically made - more “pure”, with no impurities or taste

You may ask why they only extract nicotine from tobacco plants, not aubergines or tomatoes. It’s a simple answer - the nicotine concentration in tobacco is far higher than that in tomatoes or other plants.

How was nicotine used?

Initially, when nicotine could not be extracted from the Nicotiana Tabacum plant (tobacco) and the health risks associated with tobacco use were not as researched as they are today, many tobacco products were available, such as:

  • Combustibles - like cigarettes and cigars.
  • Smoke-free - snus, dip, and chew, for example.

You would have heard of some of these products before, like cigarettes and cigars. Both are combustible products, where the tobacco is lit and smoked. However, unfamiliar products like chew, for example, aren’t smoked but are broken down by your saliva.

The decline in tobacco use

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has highlighted that over the years, the number of people using these types of products has declined because of the vast amount of research that has been carried out on tobacco and its consumption. But there was a problem, people found it hard to stop using these products and needed another nicotine-containing product to use to aid this transition.

What are the tobacco-free alternatives?

Similarly, with tobacco, some you smoke and others you don’t. Below are the more popular products, and are listed, that users across the world use.

  • Vapes
  • Nicotine pouches
  • Nicotine gum
  • Nicotine patches

The ability for people to use these products has stemmed from science and its ability to extract nicotine from the tobacco plant, as well as make it synthetically. Some of the products above, including nicotine gum and patches, are classed as nicotine replacement therapy and for those wishing to ditch nicotine altogether. However, vapes and nicotine pouches are not in this category and are enjoyed in many different flavours and strengths.

What’s a nicotine rush?

As the nicotine enters your system, it causes an increase in neurotransmitter release in your brain, some of which are serotonin and dopamine. This influx of “feel good” hormones causes the lightheadedness and that “good” feeling you experience. However, this nicotine rush is not a good thing. It gets people hooked because they chase the “nicotine rush” and use the product more and more, which can lead you to experience the side effects of nicotine, too.

Nicotine side effects: What are they?

Nicotine products can cause negative adverse effects when you use them, especially if it’s your first time. You may know some of them, but if not, the frequent nicotine pouch side effects are below.

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Hiccups

You may have used nicotine and not experienced these adverse effects before. These side effects occur when too much nicotine is absorbed at once, often when users use a product that is too strong for them. In turn, if or when you use a nicotine product, ensure you get one that is in line with your nicotine tolerance.

Is nicotine poisonous?

Nicotine is a compound that can be very harmful to humans. However, to reach the point where nicotine can cause deadly cardiovascular or respiratory problems, the amount of nicotine needed in your body would be a lot. So don’t panic. Although nicotine isn’t a “healthy” substance, for it to cause the issues mentioned above, it would need to be used in copious amounts, far more than “normal” usage.

Is nicotine addictive?

Yes, nicotine is addictive and is another one of the compound's adverse effects. But how and why is nicotine addictive?

Nicotine increases dopamine levels within your brain - quickly.

This sudden rush causes a temporary good feeling - a nicotine rush.

When nicotine levels decrease, the cycle of craving is triggered.

Another significant bit of information is that the addictiveness of different nicotine-containing products isn’t the same either.

MAOI’s: Are different types of nicotine products more addictive than others?

In short, yes. Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) is an enzyme that degrades monoamines, including those released by nicotine. It is hypothesised that the inhibition of this enzyme increases the reinforcing properties of nicotine. However, MAO inhibitors (MAOIs) are only found in tobacco, meaning they are not in nicotine pouches. Therefore, research suggests that cigarettes and snus are more addictive than nicotine pouches because they contain MAOIs.

Nicotine pouches: one of the most popular nicotine products

Nicotine pouches are growing in popularity and slowly becoming one of the most used nicotine products on the market. One of the best-selling brands is VELO nicotine pouches, with many reasons for this brand and nicotine pouch's popularity in general listed below.

Variety and convenience

It may sound too simple, but it’s a fact. Nicotine pouches are so popular because there is a range of brands, flavours, strengths, and sizes available - suiting all preferences. Moreover, they’re convenient because they’re easy to use, and you can enjoy them anywhere you wish, providing all the freedom you need.

Posted in: Science & Knowledge